The following are the trends in 20204 Influencer Marketing.
Micro and Nano Influencers : These are the influencers usually showing the followers count from 10k to 100k followers. These smaller influencers can make more conversions for your business. They offer a good connection among the audience.
Long term collaborations : The long term connection with the influencers helps to showing your brand regularly in front of the customers. This always helps to build trust and credibility.
Rise of the creator economy : Influencers are not just a person because they are growing as a personal brand. Influencers are growing with their own products, services and digital goods. They generate income in this way.
Direct purchase from Social Media : The influencers can directly drive the leads in to sales by using the engaging posts. In Instagram, Tik Tok are the platforms for short video and the You tube can facilitate to creators for long videos these all videos are helps to direct action from social media by passing a intent message.
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